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Romaine Thoss

Swarovskimania was born 20 years ago.

I came from Luxembourg at 36 years old, married and with 2 children. My husband was a Portuguese emigrant and had the dream of returning to Portugal and that was it.

I didn't start with costume jewelry right away, only later.

I had a period of adaptation to a new culture, a new way of life.

In Luxembourg I was administrative in a large company, here in Portugal, I initially dedicated myself to taking care of the family and worked in some companies.

It wasn't easy at first, the times are very different, the weather is warmer (which is good), the hobbies, the way of being and the people and the language! Now I love living here because we can live with nature.

How does Swarovskimania arise?

About 20 years ago my sister caught my eye on making this type of jewelry, weaving and/or weaving, which is as good as reading a book or watching a movie!

I like to make jewelry as a hobby, and a good anti-stress too.

Some say that it takes a lot of patience to work with this tiny material. But for me it's the other way around! Patience is gained! It requires concentration (I don't like undoing and redoing), emptying the mind....the best meditation for me (I have no patience for meditation).

I love to see the pieces grow in my hand, I use noble material such as the famous Swarovski crystals and Miyuki beads which are made of high quality glass.

These materials help to gain a certain precision in the part made.


In your opinion, do you think your art is valued in Portugal or is it more valued in Luxembourg and/or in the world?

It's more valued in Luxembourg and the United States, I've done sets for 2 weddings in America, for the bridesmaids.


Why do you think this happens? more financial power? a different culture?

Financial power and perhaps culture, many people don't know what Swarovski or Miyuki is, however, there are swarovski shops in big cities.


and finally, what is your biggest dream?

Peace in the world, and then stay 6 months in America and 6 months here, get together with the sisters and travel, I loved seeing other cultures.

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